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A cardboard boulder.
A cardboard boulder.

Saturday, May 2, 1–4 pm

Family Day: Art Rocks!

Smart Museum of Art
The University of Chicago
5550 S. Greenwood Avenue
Chicago, IL 60637

CANCELLED—please check back at a later date for more information about the return of Family Days at the Smart.

Family Days at the Smart Museum are designed to celebrate the creative potential in all of us. With new projects every month, Family Days offer opportunities for kids and their caregivers to create together and connect with one another. Each program is unique, fun, and free, emphasizing invention, improvisation, and hands-on creativity.

Rock out your Saturday by constructing cool shiny rocks out of aluminum sheets! Work together to build a cave out of cardboard boulders, decorate real rocks, and get creative drawing on rock walls with water. The activities are inspired by the work of Song Dong and Zhan Wang on view in The Allure of Matter.

FREE. Art-making supplies and other materials are provided. Family programs are best for kids 4–12, but all ages are welcomed! Children must be accompanied by an adult at all times.