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The Allure of Coloring: Ma Qiusha

The Allure of Coloring - Ma Qiusha

The Allure of Coloring is a way to experience The Allure of Matter: Material Art from China from the comfort of your living room.

This week’s coloring page features Ma Qiusha’s Wonderland: Black Square, made of black stockings stretched over concrete shards.


The coloring sheet was drawn by artist and museum educator Erik L. Peterson. “While drawing Wonderland: Black Square, I found myself following the fissures and cracks with my pen, and my mind wandered to plate tectonics,” says Erik. “I imagined the earth’s crust moving and shifting, stretching, sliding, cracking and splitting. Was I drawing a crumbled sidewalk after an earthquake, a broken pane of stained glass in a nearby church, or the Earth’s rumbling giants underneath?”

If you post your creations to social media, be sure to include the hashtag #theallureofcoloring so we can find your work and share it with the world!